6. Canada- There is something very attractive about Canada. I think it has a great deal to do with their scenery and weather. Every time I come across a picture of Canada, it is always so peaceful and beautiful. The people there seems very friendly too. The country reminds me a lot about France as well with its language and structures. It is not a very far place to visit either if I can make it there one day.
5. China- Who does not love the history of China? There is so much to learn and appreciate bout this country from its agricultural ways of living to its modern cities of hustling. People always asked what ethnicity am I when we meet for the first time. It is not even a question of "what are you?" but rather a "are you Chinese?" My response often resulted in a long explanation of how my people does not have a country. The earliest recordings of our ancestors were made in China of an ethnic group called Miao. At the same time, we do not refer to ourselves as Miao or Chinese. No, we are not Mongolians either, but that is another topic of debate. In short, we are simply Hmong; yet we encompass a whole lot of influences from other Asian cultures. Arts and music, clothes, tools, foods, and even beliefs to name a few. By the way, I am definitely #teampanda after #teamdolphin.
4. Hawaii- I do not think I need to say more about this place.
3. South Korea- I am definitely a Kpop fan, which makes me very biased when it comes to South Korea. One of my childish wishes was to run into one of my idols on the streets of Seoul. I do not even mind if I cannot get an autograph or a picture so long as I can lay eyes on my idols. This childish wish, as foolish as it sounds, was what got me through those rough years in high school and college.
2. Thailand- The country I hold very dear to my heart. I sincerely hope that one day I will be able to return to my roots.
1. Paris, France
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