Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Challenge Post- Day 8

8. I fear the unknown. I believe this is a reasonable fear that everyone has because the majority of us are not psychics or prophets. We cannot foretell what tomorrow holds for ourselves or love ones. Because of that reason, I do fear the unknown. I try not to wonder about the unknown too much, but instead try to accept each day as it is. Overcome challenges, celebrate successes, and relish each moments with the people around me as much as I can.

7. I fear the unseen. This fear comes with my cultural and religious beliefs. I believe in the supernatural. I believe there are such things as ghosts and spirits. I also believe in a higher power, like guardians and gods. I have had my fair share of experiences to believe in the unseen and to fear it. And, when that happens, I pray.

6. I fear large bodies of water. I love being around large bodies of water- beach, lakes, rivers, pools. I love them. At the same time, I fear them. If I ever fall in, there is no way I am coming back up for air without help. I guess my fear then would be drowning because I almost did. Short little story: My aunt and uncle took my siblings and I to the beach when we were kids. They wanted to do something nice for us since my parents never took us anywhere. My grandma came along to help babysit. We were all told to say near the shore since none of us kids knew how to swim. I followed the rules, yet I was the one who almost drowned. My brother was hopping in the water like a frog when he knocked me over. I fell into the water and got swept away with the current. I could not touch the bottom when I tried to stand up. Neither could I get my head above water long enough to scream for help. By the time my aunt got me back to shore, I was already traumatized.

5. I fear discrimination. Who doesn't? I am a minority. I am a female. I am from a lower-class. I am a bookworm. I am short. I am overweight. I am full of scars. I think my fear of discrimination comes with how I was raised. My low-esteem and lack of confidence definitely affects the degree of this fear. Do not get me wrong. I have worked very hard to overcome those discriminations and prove them wrong. However, that fear still lingers in the back of my mind. It acts as a consistent reminder that I need to work hard, stay strong, be humble, show kindness, have empathy, and learn and grow every day.

4. I fear disappointment. I am very blessed to have the people I have in my life. All of them and the amount of support and love they have given me are endless. Whether I need advice or guidance, they are always present and readily available at my disposal. With it comes the burden of failure. Because I love and respect each and every one of them so much, I fear that I would disappoint them if I fail to meet their expectations. That fear of disappointing them scares me more than the fear of failing myself.

3. I fear men. I... do not know if 'fear' is the right word. I admit I am uncomfortable and nervous around men. I am weary of them, but I do not fear them- unless the situation calls for it. I can talk to a man and be OK (with a lot of stuttering) if it is for a short period of time. This applies to both men I know (excluding family members) and men I do not know. If that conversation is occurring over a period of time, then I start feeling anxious because I am mentally running out of topics to discuss. I prefer talking to a man in a group of people rather than alone. I know part of this fear stems from low self-esteem and lack of confidence (again), but a big part of it stems from unfortunate experiences. So, for those wondering, yes, this is why I have not dated for over a decade and is very hesitant about jumping back into the dating pool.

2. I fear enclosed space. This one is easy- I am claustrophobic. I got locked in a laundry mat restroom by accident when I was little. The restroom was very tiny, dirty, and scary with its poor lighting. I screamed and screamed for help but no one came right away. It was late in the afternoon, so the laundry mat was quite empty. My mom and grandma did not hear me over the sounds either. I was locked in the restroom for a good while before my grandma came looking for me.

1. I fear the death of a love one. 


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